

American Animation

Animation is one of the most all-permeating forms of visual communication today, from TV channels dedicated solely to cartoons to graphic interfaces on our smartphones. In her webpage, Eileen delves into the beloved history of the medium's beginnings.


Visual Effects


The explosion at the climax of the movie. The magic spells erupting golden cascades of sparkles. Alien creatures from another world. Visual effects are behind it all. With her webpage, Ashley Wang delves into these effects in movies, their meaning, and their greater impact to society.

Movie Poster Design


The modest movie poster is one of the oldest and most effective marketing tools that can be a tell-all towards a successful film. Whether its perfect typography or distinctive color palettes Neha Rao brings you a snippet of this fascinating and mindful process.

The Dark Room


We take a picture, look at it, fix our hair, adjust our outfit and are ready for the next to be taken so we can slap a filter on it and post it. Nowadays people rarely use film cameras, lucking out on the actual fun of developing photos in the darkroom. Srilakshmi's webpage highlights the lengthy, but exciting process in developing photos.