literary arts

n. the activity or skill of marking coherent words on paper and composing text

  • "there is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside of you."

    maya angelou

  • "if you wish to be a writer, write."


  • "the ability of writers to imagine what is not the self, to familiarize the strange and mystify the familiar, is the test of their power."

    toni morrison

  • "write hard and clear about what hurts."

    ernest hemingway

recent features

  • Blackout Poetry


    What would you get if you combine the physical expression of art and the unfettered creativity of writing? The answer is simpler than you might think! Join Ashley Wang as we explore the art of blackout poetry through both its history and its steps of creation

  • Comics as an Artistic Medium


    Tara Alexander dives into the world of comics and gives us a tour, walking us through the process of producing one and interviewing a fellow comic creator, Ethan Charles. The combination of writing and art is certainly no easy task, especially when it must all come together as a cohesive story. According to Tara, though, anyone can make a comic - it just takes a lot of dedication and a lot of coffee.

  • Concrete Poetry


    Do you love shapes and lines? Do you dislike the monotonous blocks of text conventional poetry has? If so, concrete poetry—and this page on concrete poetry by Joyce Ma—might be perfect for you!

  • Crosswords Resurgence


    Once only popular amongst boomers and newspaper readers, crosswords have experienced an increased popularity in the past few years. With factors like isolation and the pandemic, crosswords have become a way to bond and interact with others despite social distancing. Explore the history of crosswords, popular crossword forums for Northview students, and the subsequent word puzzles that skyrocketed in popularity after the crossword resurgence.

  • Penpalling


    Joline Tran explores the realm of pen palling, investigating how traditional letters have evolved into an entire art in itself. Through examining the origins, organizing interviews, and detailing her own pen palling experience, Joline reveals the artistry that it takes to pen pal beyond just the pretty packaging.

  • Sasha Borislow


    Every piece has story, intention, and perspective behind it, often masked by the inhibitions of the viewer. In an interview with staffer Sujana Vangala, Sasha Borislow reveals the writing that inspires her art pieces, entails her experience at liberal arts college, Oberlin, and discusses her future plans for finishing her novel. This is the world through the writer's eye.

  • Subtitles


    If language is our primary tool for expression and communication, then subtitles are a medium through which we achieve that. The medium pervades many forms of popular media: translations in our favorite anime shows, captions in music videos, transcriptions of speeches, and more. Subtitles open worlds of information without detracting from the film's original audio. Eileen explores how the art of subtitles can engage and connect people through a seamless viewing experience.

  • Sudoku


    Investigate the origins of sudoku and subsequent puzzles that developed due to sudoku's widespread influence. Join staffer Jayani Mannam as she explores the mathematical context of sudoku and popularity trends relating to sudoku since the late 1800s.

  • The Wordle Phenomenon


    Explore the word puzzle the captivated the nation, with just simple patterns of green, yellow, and gray squares. Join staffer Sujana Vangala as she investigates the origin and psychology behind the popularity of the post-quarantine phenomenon.