A little about me…

Hi, my name is Sri and I am a current senior here at Northview, and this is my third year in Lit Mag. I have an older sister and two cousins that live nearby who are practically my other two siblings. Outside of school, I have a job in Parks and Rec, I hang out with friends, and for the most part, just binge my favorite tv shows. I think my one and only goal is to probably travel; I’ve lived in Johns Creek my whole life, but one day I would LOVE to get out of here and travel the world.

Some of my hobbies are…

  • Volleyball: I played volleyball for around 6 years and now just play whenever I can with my friends.

  • Writing: It is honestly my solace and is a big reason for why I joined LitMag.

  • Reading: I just got back into it, but I love anything romance.

My People

why did you join Lit Mag?

I first joined Lit Mag to make some sense in creative writing and just explore all aspects of it., but after my first year in Lit Mag, I fell in love with the design part of it. It’s honestly probably my favorite part of the class, because there’s so much freedom and leeway to just explore.

what do you hope to take away from this class?

Personally, I want to experiment with incorporating more photography in my own layouts. As for Lit Mag as a whole, I hope to help branch out The Muse in terms of fundraising and also just getting our name out there.

-my most recent designs-

Her mother taught her that 7 comes before 8 and 6 comes after 5. She knew the meanings of each of the numbers. She got 5 stars in elementary for raising her hand. There was an 8 on her necklace with the word “forever.” When the clock pointed to 9, she used to run to bed. 

All the numbers had a sense of meaning to her, including the newer ones. When she saw a 137 on the scale, it meant that her 5’2 self didn’t qualify to be part of what society deemed “beautiful.” And when the teacher wrote 76 in red at the top of her “Unit 4A Final Test,” it meant she would never be eligible to hear her parents say “I’m proud of you.” 

Numbers shared statistics and facts; it was nothing out of the ordinary because she already knew the fact that she was statistically overweight and overlooked by society. And the fact that she wasn’t good enough for her parents ruined her. 

She was average: the numbers proved it. She was averaged to be nothing more than what society set her up to be, just a little less than the girl she tried to be.

My Writing

As old as she is,  

She looks just like me.  

Staring with eyes of curiosity, she almost just 


She has a hint of a grin,  

And that shows her nature.  

Against her, the wind is clearly evident, but she doesn’t care. She’s, 


She's got a world around her only she seems to know the value of,  

If only she could’ve told me. 

She's on to be 111 years old,  

While I only 17, I can tell a little of what she knows, and she says to keep 


Web Page Design by Srilakshmi Koya