rebecca wells

keepin it real

about me

about me

im 16 years old, and a junior at northview!

i’ve lived here in johns creek for forever, but i’d love to travel the world. i used to be one of those people who claimed they hated reading, without actually having read a book that even remotely sounded interesting to them. piece of advise - don’t be stubborn. find something that sounds interesting, cause i am now addicted to reading. i swear i’ve spent way too much money at Barnes and Nobles. anyway, i also love sunsets and LOVE music.

  • -I’ll Give You the Sun by: Jandy Nelson

    -They Both Die At the End by: Adam Silvera

    -The Darkness Outside Us by: Eliot Schrefer

    -Letters To the Lost by: Brigid Kemmer

    -Today Tonight Tomorrow by: Rachel Lynn Soloman

    -The Inheritance Games by: Jennifer Lynnn Barnes

    -Better Than the Movies by: Lynn Painter

    -Six of Crows & Crooked Kingdom by: Leigh Bardugo (an amazing duology!!)

    -Caraval by: Stephanie Garber

    -Once upon a Broken Heart by: Stephanie Garber

    (both of these series above are AMAZING)

    this list could go on forever but it would probably take up the entire page so i’ll spare you, but these are just some that never left my mind and changed my reading journey. :)

  • as you can tell i love to read, but that’s not all! i play volleyball and am actually on northview’s varsity volleyball team! i play club volleyball at a5g and i love the community there. occasionally, i love to draw and write a bit of my own work. my friends and family are most important to me, and i spend A LOT of time with them. :)

  • some of my favorite artists at the moment are,

    -TV Girl

    -The Wallows

    -Harry Styles

    -Frank Ocean

    -Taylor Swift

    -Mac Demarco

    and many, many more!

  • -i have 2 dogs: a golden retriever whos name is Toby, and a i-cannot-remember-the-breed-name-for-the-life-of-me named Winston!

    -my favorite season is autumn

    -my favorite movie of all time is “The Goonies”

why litmag?

last year, when i first began to discover my love for reading, i started to experiment with different writing styles. i tried writing poetry, short stories, or even just journaling about my day. in my 10th lit class, we had an assignment to write our own fiction short story. even though it was due at the end of the next month, i finished it in less than 2 weeks. i adored fabricating a whole new world, creating characters and giving them their own personality and story. i initially joined the litmag thinking it would only teach me more with my creative writing, but it’s so much more. i hope that from this class, i get a better idea on what i want my future career will be, and to maybe find a love for design!

my writing :)

A part of me, a part of them


I would stand in front of these doors,

10 years ago

Silently sulking and clutching my favorite blanket

As if it was the only thing keeping me steady,

Wanting to wake my parents to protect me from the nightmares, most of which I couldn’t remember,

Because then,

Their arms were the only place I felt safe.

These doors I would stand in front of,

For what felt like hours, coming up with the courage to go through them,

Yet I never did.


I stand in front of these doors now,

Instead, clutching myself, arms wrapped tightly around my core,

This time to keep myself put together.

I stand here, chin slightly wobbling, wanting my mother’s touch

My father’s reassurance

Because I don’t know who I am.

Who will I be?


But instead of trying to devise the courage I know will never come,

I smile, the tears trailing through the canyons of my cheeks,

And turn back to my own room.

Because at least I know one thing.

I will always be theirs.


My favorite part of you are your eyes


Words are controlled,


A conversation is thought over and deciphered.

And though I do crave your words,

Your gaze is my favorite conversation.




Give me more, please give me more

For I cannot feel alive without more.

The life I have been given does not feel enough.

I have not yet done certain things,

I have not yet spoken to certain people.

But I have done things.

I have spoken to people.

But I yearn for more.

This cycle becomes overbearing with guilt.

I am so young, yet I have lived so long

I don’t want to grow, but the inevitable is what I desire.


give me more.


Take it back


My dear,

How could you say that?

To say she was embarrassing,

Weird and strange?

How could you say that?

She was only having fun.

She was just a young girl,

Enjoying her life.

If she would have known,

How you would talk about her,

Oh how different you would have turned out.

She was always excited to meet you,

She fantasized about what you would be like.

You remember, don’t you?

You may not say

That you wish to be young again,

If all you do,

Is wish you hadn’t been young.
