about me

hello! my name is smriti sudhakar, and i’m really excited to be a part of the 2023-2024 lit mag staff! i joined mainly because i wanted to get better at layouts and writing, but the class's welcoming staff and friendly faces made me fall in love. i felt safe, invited, and free to experiment and learn—not something i can say for my other classes. besides wanting to improve, i also feel deeply passionate about literature and wish to major in it later in life, so taking lit mag was an obvious choice for me. i can’t wait to work with the rest of the staff to showcase the phenomenal art pieces, photos, and writing we receive and create!

  • ramen!

  • Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint (butdontreadthisbecauseitwillleaveyoudevastatedandcryingforweeksafterohmygodihatekimdokja)

  • playing with my dog and annoying my friends :)

my writing

The lone monk stands on the cusp of the ocean 

watches as his footsteps, 

the ones he wishes others would follow in, 

dissolve away  

and take all his enlightenment  

betwixt blue hands 

to carry them off into the vast world. 

The lone monk stands at the liminal, 

becoming but also unbecoming  

as cruel waves slam against jagged edges 

and take away what was oh so carefully built  

while creating soft, beautiful curves  

thus destroying while rebirthing 

the land surrounding.

Smriti Sudhakar | A Monk, poem

Caspar David Friedrich | Monk by the Sea, painting

A lone monk stands and wonders: 

“Will he too be absorbed by the blues of the world?” 

Steadfast and never moving, he stands and weathers 

the onslaught of comber  

letting his  




be consumed by the voracious ocean  

and reshaped, so that they too  

may go on to create something new and beautiful.



Still With You

Jung Kook


Luna Li

Lovers Rock

TV Girl

Web Page Design by SMRITI SUDHAKAR