˾Grace Chung  ̚             

Accepting all prayers to get me through high school.


thanks for stopping by.

a (very) brief introduction

hi, my name is grace, and I’m a junior at northview.

i’m a capricorn, istp, and middle child — if that means anything to you.


I joined litmag because I loved the idea of being a part of a publication. A small dream of mine has always been to help contribute behind-the-scenes in a larger production, whether it be a musical or other performance, or something more physical, like a magazine or yearbook. After coming across litmag and looking through old works, I was immediately interested. Aside from the idea of helping make a magazine, I also liked how it was different from traditional art classes in the way that it was more geared towards design while still placing a big emphasis on art and writing. This year, I hope to become a stronger writer and become more proficient in/better navigate the Adobe software. I’m also really looking forward to going on the CSPA trip (fingers crossed) later this year.

This is my second year on the litmag staff, and I’m really excited to see what the year brings.

some of my fav layouts from last year >


Art: Since I was little, I’ve always been interested in art. I would always be scribbling on my walls, painting things for my mom to stick up on the fridge, or doodling in the margins of my papers. (I still doodle everywhere) Around a year ago, I started taking traditional art lessons, and these days, I have been finding myself playing around more with digital art.

here is some of my work >

Binging: Another one of my favorite hobbies is binging shows. It is my favorite way to destress after a long week. You can find me watching shows anywhere: on the couch, under the covers, on the floor of my laundry room, etc. Some of my recent favorites have been Stranger Things (season 2 was the best season), The Good Place, and Little Women. If you know any good shows, please give me recommendations!

me on fridays >

I have an almost concerning obsession with kombucha, tiramisu, and cheesecake. I drink kombucha almost everyday— Trilogy from GT Dave is my favorite. Basque and sweet potato cheesecake have my entire heart <3.

fun facts

I love cats. I have a cat named Loki at home, and I am always asking to see if I can adopt more. I used to feed the stray cats in my neighborhood, and one time, a stray kitten actually followed me home. Here are some pictures of Loki and different strays I have met over the years:

gray is my favorite color—i don’t know I just love how bland it looks (like this text placement).

Web Page Design by GRACE CHUNG