hi! i'm erica, a junior at northview, and this is my first year in lit mag! i'm so excited for the rest of the year! here's a little about me: 

i started ballet when i was 10 and i’ve fallen in love ever since! i also occasionally do chinese folk and contemporary :)

i got into k-pop dance in freshman year when i joined the school’s kpop dance club. you should join too, it’s really fun! our club is called All 4-1 (formerly B.A.P.). insta @4l1.northview

i usually like dystopian or adventure, but here’s some of my recent reads!

  • a piece of me:


    Winter is a weak sigh of defeat, fading into the blank of a forgotten canvas. Around you is only a vast white. Choose: continue the scraping drag forwards or return back. Turn around. Turn again. What would be the point of walking when any direction is none? There is nowhere to go but...up? Up is the first time you see. Up is a kiss, a lift, a reach so deep inside you for the forgotten out there and in here, for it has dug out the flames so suppressed within you, and you gleam. You gleam of a fiery passion so desperate for life because you are life. You are the ignited sun, a blaze into red that sustains us whole. Looking from above, you see winter again, and you laugh. Your winter is intricate and beautiful and deliciously sweet; now you burn in winter with a strength both undaunted and soft, a flame nurturing and warm, that flutters but doesn’t falter.

why did you join lit mag?

i joined lit mag because i was looking for something new and exciting that i could pour my creative energy into. i quit art when i was younger and i had only dabbled in creative writing, so i wanted a dedicated time i could re-explore these facets of myself. and lit mag has definitely been able to provide that — plus so much more. as an art-oriented class, lit mag actually gives us the freedom to experiment with different ideas and grow in the direction we want, which is why i look forward to this class every day!

do you have any goals for this class?

a goal i have for this class would be to master Adobe Photoshop and learn more creative ways to design my layouts! i hope in the future i can look back on my lit mag journey and be proud of the work i've created and all the memories i've made with everyone here :) 

fun facts

fun facts

  • i love lemons

  • i think earthworms are kinda cute :p

  • my favorite book is also omniscient reader (hi smriti!)

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